Women's Bible Study -
Two options are available for women regardless of church affiliation. On Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm we offer facilitated and video studies according to Precept Ministries International curriculum. On Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am we offer leader-guided group discussions using study guides and sometimes videos from various authors. Studies usually last from six to twelve weeks. The women are faithful to pray for each other and for the needs of relatives, friends, the church, the community and the world. Childcare is available upon request. Click on the image to the left for details.
Two options are available for women regardless of church affiliation. On Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm we offer facilitated and video studies according to Precept Ministries International curriculum. On Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am we offer leader-guided group discussions using study guides and sometimes videos from various authors. Studies usually last from six to twelve weeks. The women are faithful to pray for each other and for the needs of relatives, friends, the church, the community and the world. Childcare is available upon request. Click on the image to the left for details.

Sunday School (9:00 am - 10:00 am)
Marshall Baptist Church offers various Sunday School classes. Everyone is encouraged to attend Sunday School to develop a firm foundation for their faith, learn what the Bible teaches, and form supportive relationships with fellow believers in Christ. Sunday School is a place where questions are welcome, we’re not afraid to discuss the hard issues of life, and burdens can be safely shared in confidence.
Currently, there is a senior women's group that meets in a classroom near the sanctuary. There is also a co-ed class that meets in the Fellowship Hall and is led by Pastor Mark. Call the church office for more information or help deciding which class to join. Children's Sunday School and nursery is also available during this hour.
Marshall Baptist Church offers various Sunday School classes. Everyone is encouraged to attend Sunday School to develop a firm foundation for their faith, learn what the Bible teaches, and form supportive relationships with fellow believers in Christ. Sunday School is a place where questions are welcome, we’re not afraid to discuss the hard issues of life, and burdens can be safely shared in confidence.
Currently, there is a senior women's group that meets in a classroom near the sanctuary. There is also a co-ed class that meets in the Fellowship Hall and is led by Pastor Mark. Call the church office for more information or help deciding which class to join. Children's Sunday School and nursery is also available during this hour.

Food Pantry - ALSO Available is an oudoor, drive-up box! Take what you need!
The food pantry is a ministry that provides non-perishable goods to people in our church and community at times when they need just a little extra help. This ministry also provides flowers, fruit baskets and greeting cards to the home-bound on special occasions. Many volunteers help with delivering these items, and donations are always appreciated.
If you know someone in need of food, please contact the church office at (540) 364-1851 or Pastor Mark at (540) 316-1134.
The food pantry is a ministry that provides non-perishable goods to people in our church and community at times when they need just a little extra help. This ministry also provides flowers, fruit baskets and greeting cards to the home-bound on special occasions. Many volunteers help with delivering these items, and donations are always appreciated.
If you know someone in need of food, please contact the church office at (540) 364-1851 or Pastor Mark at (540) 316-1134.

AWANA Clubs - Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed - 2 Timothy 2:15
AWANA offers a fully integrated evangelism and discipleship program that includes three segments in each meeting: Large Group Time is an age-appropriate church service/lesson; Small Group Time is where the children earn awards through Scripture memory; and Game Time is full of fun while teaching teamwork and sportsmanship. Meetings are held during the school year on Wednesdays, 6:00pm-7:45pm and are preceded by an optional light meal at 5:30pm. Clubs range from 4-years old to 8th grade.
AWANA offers a fully integrated evangelism and discipleship program that includes three segments in each meeting: Large Group Time is an age-appropriate church service/lesson; Small Group Time is where the children earn awards through Scripture memory; and Game Time is full of fun while teaching teamwork and sportsmanship. Meetings are held during the school year on Wednesdays, 6:00pm-7:45pm and are preceded by an optional light meal at 5:30pm. Clubs range from 4-years old to 8th grade.

The Church Library is open every Tuesday morning from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Please come by to visit and check out a book!
The Church Library is open every Tuesday morning from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Please come by to visit and check out a book!

Spanish Language Bible Study
Come join us every Sunday evening at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Ven y únete a nosotros cada domingo por la noche a las 7 pm en el Salón de Becas.
Come join us every Sunday evening at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Ven y únete a nosotros cada domingo por la noche a las 7 pm en el Salón de Becas.